if you want people visits your website/blog and stay on your website longer then you have to choose best hosting provider. a website hosting provider can do this for you. in this article we will discuss about what hosting providers will give you? and how to choose best hosting for your Business.
How to choose Best Hosting for your Business
the main thing is that your website live on internet and people can access easily. A website hosting Provider can Provide you Domain. Domain is your website Address for example https://www.propassion.net this is our domain name and it will be easily access our website your hosting provider will allow you to choose a domain name you can search domain name in their domain search box. and check for availability domains. A Quick Tip Choose a domain name that’s short and easy to remember. and Never Choose domain name contains numeric words for example domain123.com these type of domains looks unprofessional and counts in a scam. and no one trust that domains names.
the server is the which host your website online on the internet, it will be also Responsive for the traffic coming into your website your hosting provider will host your website with one of their servers so people can access it through internet. Also Server uptime really matters. nothing is more bad then on the internet that clicking on the website/link that isn’t opening. that type of website also loose their customers and Google start giving them low ranking on their search results. this is also know as server uptime When choosing your website hosting provider, keep an eye on this, and prioritize the options that offer uptime above 99%. as our Hosting Provides 99.9% Server up-time.
Available Storage
For your website you need a little space on your hosting Provider server. if you need more space make sure that choose a plan that have a Good Amount of storage. if you don’t want extra space save your valued money by adding unnecessary Space. But if you have unlimited Disk Space then No Worries! we’re Also provide unlimited disk space on our Professional Plan.
Loading Speed
if you already know about little bit seo, that’s Great! Google Always Gives Higher ranking those website which loads faster and award them with a higher ranking in their search engines. if website hosting server offers a good loading speed then it’s worth. if website loads slowly then visitor will leave and find alternative sites. for example if you’re selling items online on your website and shared a Product link on your Social Media, then some random Person clicked on your Link and your website taking more then 2 minutes to open that page then user will leave your website. it will considered as you lost One Sales.
Free Trail Hosting
Many Website Hosting Providers like Our Hosting, they Provide trail to test Hosting Speed in this period you can test their hosting speed and you will get results about speed it will also boost your confidence to Purchase that Hosting, and if you’re facing low speed on trail then simply leave that website hosting provider and find alternative. We Also Provide Trail hosting it will be Provided on Customers Demand. On Our Trail Customers can test our Hosting Speed For Requesting a Trail Just Message us via Live chat or email us info@propassion.net and we will Provide trail on Demand.
Customer Support
We Recommend that Choose a Hosting Plan that Provides Fast and Good Customer Support, in Hosting you need a Support for 24/7 because whenever you face any problems in hosting you can contact your service provider and resolve problems. A Good Customer Support is Highly Recommended for your website as we have an sales support and customer support we also provide live chat or Email us, Our Customers Can Also Contact us on whatsapp or call us on our Landline we have Great Support for our Customers so whenever they face any issue in Hosting, then can contact us simply
Final part
As in this articles we discussed about speed and server these are very important things for a Business website if you’re website hosting server is slow we suggest you to switch to another hosting Provider. Also Check our Hosting Plans at our HomePage.
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